Vote for the best verboticism.

'What's that stupid sound?'

DEFINITION: To talk to yourself in a high-pitched, squeaky voice while performing complex mental gymnastics.

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Created by: Kyoti

Pronunciation: PAHM-uhl-hurts

Sentence: Sabrina thought Randy was watching old Felix the Cat cartoons on YouTube again, but discovered that he was actually pommelhertzing his way through an online "matchmaker" quiz.

Etymology: Pommel horse (gymnastics equipment) + hertz (a unit of frequency that defines the pitch of sound waves)


and that would be appropriate since he was Randy - Jabberwocky, 2007-08-02: 13:32:00


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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: skw-ore-t

Sentence: Quite clearly I was distracted by my own squoughting when I tried to create this word in the comments box.

Etymology: squawk + thought

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Created by: porsche

Pronunciation: curly/an/toe

Sentence: Whenever he worked on his laptop he lapsed into curlyanto, a side effect of watching too many Three Stooges movies

Etymology: curly + esperanto

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: kak/kel/u/late

Sentence: He would cackleculate so loudly when he was thinking up words for verbotomy that his girlfriend recorded it for their Halloween party

Etymology: cackle + calculate


It always seems popular with the smart chicks. - Kyoti, 2007-08-02: 15:24:00

Smart chicks? Must be cackleculust.. - wordmeister, 2007-08-02: 17:36:00


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Created by: mplsbohemian

Pronunciation: MIHK-kee-tayt

Sentence: With his earbuds firmly in place, Alex had no idea how loud he was mickeytating.

Etymology: Mickey Mouse + meditate


petaj But all those around him were nictitating in pain. - petaj, 2007-08-02: 03:19:00


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Created by: ChristopherAndersen

Pronunciation: skwerk

Sentence: He didn't have a pen to figure out the tip; so he clenched his eyes shut, drew figures in the air, and squirked out his calculations.

Etymology: Squeak and Work (with a dose of "squeeze" because we use this voice to squeeze out the result)


And it's a quirk, as well! - mplsbohemian, 2007-08-02: 02:56:00

petaj And a dose of squirt too. - petaj, 2007-08-02: 03:21:00

petaj Perhaps he was an exsquirt on the topic. - petaj, 2007-08-02: 03:21:00

Expert: "X" meaning unknown, and "spurt" being a drip under pressure. It's enough to make a person more than a tiny bit squirky. - Kyoti, 2007-08-02: 15:26:00


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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: skreech-urm-eyes

Sentence: When Nat heard him screechurmising she figured she'd better fake an illness and go home, he'll be carrying on for at least 5 hours like that.

Etymology: screech + surmise

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Created by: laurenhiya21


Sentence: He then started to squeakapeekoo in the middle of his exam.


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: shril/storm

Sentence: When the pressure is on to produce at work, he sits in a corner and shrillstorms ideas to the annoyance of his colleagues.

Etymology: shrill + brainstorm


Apt & pithy. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-08-02: 19:22:00


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Created by: tatterdemalion

Pronunciation: gym-in-y-KOJ-i-teyt

Sentence: You can just see the gears turning in some people's heads when they think, but for Bart, you could actually HEAR him jiminicogitate.

Etymology: jimini- (from Jiminy Cricket, the squeaky- voiced Disney character associated with the conscience) + cogitate (L. "to think hard")


Great word, love the sound of it! - purpleartichokes, 2007-08-02: 14:48:00


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mplsbohemian - 2007-08-02: 02:56:00
Since I live in Minneapolis, I thought I'd let everyone know I'm okay, and so far, so is everyone I know.

petaj petaj - 2007-08-02: 03:13:00

petaj petaj - 2007-08-02: 03:16:00
adrn bxoxelia agnai. Glad to hear you are OK.

purpleartichokes - 2007-08-02: 10:40:00
glad to hear that mp! and I thought PA's bridges were bad (they're constantly closing them down for emergency repairs).

mplsbohemian - 2007-08-02: 13:10:00
The joke in Minnesota is that there are two seasons, winter and road construction. But I always explain to people that the only thing worse than having lots of road work is having no road work, like my native Indiana. I don't think they get it. I'm sure the shocks on their car would get it on a trip to Indianapolis.